the dragon painter

I read " the dragon painter" usborne first reading book, level four book.

One day a man painted a dragon without eyes by king's asking
To look this paints, the emperor wondered if he won't paint their eyes.
The emperor asked to him to paint eyes but he wouldn't paint eyes
because if he write eyes, the dragons began to move.
And he painted...
What will these do??

It was very excited and dreaming story for the children.
It was unbelievable but I was very absorbed in this book.
It was awful after moving dragons but they are stay calm than I had expected.
Finally the could catch two dragons but two dragons.
The two dragons wasn't catched so far.
Are they moving around the world??😁


  1. This story is like an adventure, so it looks exciting!
    The dragons are catched or not..., I want to read and know the ending.


